Friday, January 8, 2010

Also an update on the baby, I am now about 21 weeks and It's A Girl! We were very excited to find out, the week before Christmas. It's been fun to know. She is now moving quite a lot which is really exciting. I've had fun picking out a few things and getting ready for her. I started making some blankets and burp cloths which I have also learned to crochet around the edges. It's taking some time but I am enjoying every minute of it. And for Joe he has been sweet and helpful as ever! He loves to rub my belly and talk to his little baby girl. So Cute! Here are some cute little things I've bought or been given.


Erin Morgan said...

How exciting, a baby girl! Congratulations!

The DeBoer's said...

Congrats! Good job on the burp cloths they look awesome!

Brandon & eLissA said...

How cute!! I am so excited for you two!