Friday, February 25, 2011

We're back....

Wow, has it really been eight, nine months since I updated this thing?? I can't believe I've been so horrible at blogging. I do kind of have an excuse. We haven't had internet at our house since Oakley was born. I tried keeping up on posts by using my parents computer. But that got really tricky and annoying transfering photos from one computer to another. So here we are nine months later with internet running. YEAH!! (Although, it seems as though my computer might die any day. Wish me luck.) Well we are all doing good. Oakley is nine months now. I can't believe it!! Where has the time gone? She is so much fun and has the cutest personality. She is crawling and into everything right now and will be walking soon. It seems like I just continue picking up her messes all day as she storms through the house. But I really do love this independent stage. I'm lucky to have such a flexible work schedule so I can be home with Oakley in the day and Joe has her at night while I work. (excluding a day and a few hours here and there that my mom helps out). We are just loving our time together right now, trying to enjoy every minute of it. Gosh, there is so much to catch up with that I think instead of trying to go back I will just start from today on. But I will post some pictures up to this point since she's changed so much. I can't skip out on that, right? Right now some of my favorite things that I don't want to forget about Oakley are:

-Her crazy, curly hair. I love mornings when it's all over the place. Some days I don't fix her hair just so I can look at it all day. (I'll have to post one of these pics).

-I love watching her goo goo at her boy crush, Wyatt, from Super Why. Ha Ha! Joe and I tease because she really gets so excited for this charcter. She really could care less about any others. It's so funny.

-She still loves it when I rock and sing her to sleep every night. She thinks she needs to wait for me to get home from work. Even if it is 10:00 pm! It's been throwing her schedule off, but not much we can do, she's pretty stuborn just like her Dad. Ok and her mom...

-We love to dance. She loves music and rythym. The other day I found her in the bedroom where the radio was on, sitting right by the blaring sterio head banging to Taylor Swift. So Funny!

-She's loves to joke around. Always trying to tickle or make us laugh.

-We love our Saturdays where we are all home together. It' crazy how you can tell she really enjoys these days already with how little she still is. I cherishing these days while they last.

-And we can't forget how she loves our weekly (some times daily) trips to Walmart. I don't know what it is, but she loves it. It makes grocery shopping so easy. I literally can shop for hours if I wanted.

That's a little about Us right now. I'll try better at keeping this going. Pictures are soon to follow. (I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to read an entire post without pics). So sorry for those of you that are more visual like me, they are coming.....:)


Sarah said...

Welcome Back!!! Oh my Gosh that Oakley is SO stinking cute! She is absolutely beautiful! Excited to spend some time with you guys again and praying we get a little sunshine and warmth while we're there! See you soon!