Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So this past weekend Joe was asked by our Bishopric to be a Scouts Leader. Now I'm not familiar with the names of the different age groups, but he will be a leader for the 12 to 13 year olds. Yeah!! Fun Stuff! He is excited to work with the YM and he had his first activity yesterday and enjoyed it. I guess they will be going on atleast one camping trip each month and they are working on their Bicycling badge right now and have to bike over 100 miles(something like that). Anyway, goodluck Joe.


The Carters said...

I feel his pains I just got called to the stake young mens presidency and I am over the stake scouts ! it will be tough but a blast !! call me if you need any help with scout stuff Joe!


You will do a great job I'm sure, and the boys will love you!! Whats not to love. You are truly awsome
love ya deanna

Brown Family said...

Scouts is a great place to be! Russ says it's a party, all the hiking, repelling, camping, etc. Hopefully he'll love it!