Friday, April 9, 2010

So Long 1027.........

So the time has finally arrived. We have found a house! YEAH! We are very excited. This has been a very long process and we're glad to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. We made an offer back the 1st week of January and have been patiently waiting, and waiting for some news (the home was in a short sale). We are in the process of closing as we speak and should have the keys within the next two weeks. We are both so excited!! We should be moved in and settled before the baby comes, (we're crossing our fingers). What an experience this has been. We have been so blessed and have had many prayers answered and many not answered the way we thought, but in the end we've seen the reasoning and are so grateful for the guidance of our Heavenly Father. We're sad to leave our apartment at 1027, and all our friends in our ward. We have loved living here the past 3 1/2 years, but our looking forward to this new experience. Many changes are coming our way :)


The DeBoer's said...

Yay, how exciting! Congratulations you two!

Ashley Schoenfeld said...

Where to? I can't wait to see you guys!

Emily said...


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....