Monday, June 21, 2010

Oakley Susan Mattson

Ok so it has taken me awhile to get some pictures of Oakley on here. She's already 5 1/2 weeks old. But here they are. She was born on May 19, 2010. She was 6lbs 14oz, 20 in. She's such a beautiful and healthy baby! The delivery went good minus a few recovery set backs, but here we are doing well. We are so glad to finally have her here. I can't believe it! Know that the pregnancy is over I have no idea where the time went. Well, until I start remembering the details and sickness, ha ha. Either way we've been so blessed to have a good pregnancy and delivery. You may notice Oakley's little face is quite swollen from delivery. She came out face up so it took about 45 to 60 minutes of pushing. My Dr. said that those situations usually end up with a c-section, but thankfully we didn't have to go that route. I have more pictures to add, since these are only the newborn photos. So hopefully it won't take me much longer to post them. Our internet connection has been down since we moved and we haven't got around to it. So much to do so little time :)


Stoker Crew said...

I have been waiting for these. Joe I can'e believe you are a DAD. You guys are going to love being parents. The day your little one was born is such a great day. My daughter Kennedy was born that exact day a year ago. I wish you and Rachel the best. Babies are truly LOTS of work but also a BLESSING. Visit us at
Kristin Lindsay Stoker